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League Teams
Snooker - Div. One
Snooker - Div. Two
Snooker - Div. Three
Billiards Division
Division One Results
Division Two Results
Division Three Results
Billiards Results
Norey Captains
Highest Breaks
Most Wins
Past Results
Finals Programme


INTRODUCTION The rules of the League are established so that all players may compete against each other in snooker and billiards competitions under fair play and sporting conditions. They can, however never cover every eventuality. Matters which cannot be solved by interpreting the rules to the letter will be resolved by the management committee following as near as possible the spirit of the text to obtain the solution which is the fairest to all players



1.This Organisation shall be called the Spalding and District Snooker and Billiards League and shall consist of such Leagues of teams playing Snooker and Billiards or any other game played on an English Billiards Table according to the rules of the game as laid down by the W.P.B.S.A.The Organisation shall be governed by the following rules.

Constitutional Rules Headquarters

2.The headquarters of the Organisation shall be at Spalding Constiutional Club, Broad St. Spalding, or such other place as the Management Committee may from time to time determine.


3.To promote the welfare of the games of Snooker and Billiards, and in furtherance thereof shall promote leagues, competitions and other events connected with, or for the benefit of, the games as shall be determined from time to time.

The Management Committee 

4.The Organisation shall be governed by the Management Committee which shall consist of a President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Snooker Match Secretary/Press Officer and Billiards Match Secretary/Press Officer, and Treasurer who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting together with a Committee of not more than ten members, with not more than two Committee Members (as distinct from officers) from the same club, also to be elected at Annual General Meetings. Committee Members registered for different clubs for Billiards and Snooker to declare their interest for a particular club. Each group of members elected to the Management Committee at all Annual General Meetings shall serve for a period of two years. Reserve Committee members will be taken in the order of the highest number of votes received by those nominated for election to the Committee but not successful, providing there are not already two members on the Committee from the same club. Reserves to fill any vacancy that arises - apropos Rule 5 and if no reserves, Management Committee have power to co- opt. All Officers and Committee to be members of participating clubs of the League. A quorum shall be formed when eight members, including Officers are present.

Powers of the Management Committee

5.The Management Committee shall have the power to arrange for the appointment of any sub-committee and to delegate to such a sub-committee any business it may deem necessary. The Management Committee shall be empowered to make or amend Competition Rules for the benefit of the Organisation and do such things considered necessary for achieving the objects of the Organisation including allotment of honoraria. It shall have full power to deal with any offending club(s) and with any infringement of the Organisation Rules including the power to impose fines of up to £10.00. The Management Committee's decision on all matters shall be final. There is reserved to the Management Committee the right to withhold the reason for any decision. In the event of any office becoming vacant the Management Committee shall have the power to appoint a successor until the next Annual General Meeting. In the event of any vacancy arising on the Committee as distinct from an office, the vacancy to be filled in accordance with Rule 4.


 6.The Organisation shall consist of leagues of teams with membership restricted to players of 18 years of age and over in accordance with Rule 10 from approved individual clubs at the discretion of the Management Committee in each section (Snooker and/or Billiards). Any club that does not allow Registered Lady players into their snooker/billiards room for league matches and competitions will not be allowed to enter teams or players in the leagues or competitions. Prospective new clubs will not be admitted to the league if they are outside of a 15 mile radius from Spalding.

Annual General Meeting

 7.The Annual General Meeting, of which one week's notice shall be given, shall be held on the second Thursday in the month of June each year or on a date set by, or at the discretion of the Management Committee, at which a report shall be given by the General Secretary. The Annual Accounts for the season just ended comprising of an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet duly signed by the Treasurer shall be laid before the meeting and a report thereon shall be given by the Treasurer. The Annual Accounts shall be audited by an Audit Committee comprising of not less than two members of the Management Committee duty appointed by the Committee. An Audit report signed by the members of the Audit Committee shall be annexed to the Accounts. Fourteen days notice of any item of business to be placed on the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to the General Secretary. All nominations, with proposer's and seconder's name, for any Office or Management Committee place shall be given to the General Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the date of the A.G.M. With the leave of the Chairman for that meeting, business of special importance may be transacted without proper notice as provided by Rule 9. All Officers and Members ("Members as defined in Rule 10") in attendance shall be entitled to one vote and in the event of a tie the Chairman shall be entitled to a casting vote.

Extraordinary General Meeting

 8. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by decision of the Management Committee or at the request of two-thirds of the affiliated clubs. Such request to be made in writing to the General Secretary stating the reason for requesting an Extraordinary General Meeting and the General Secretary shall then convene such meeting, which shall have power of an Annual General Meeting.

9.The foregoing rules shall not be altered or any new rule added except at the Annual General Meeting and twenty one days notice must be given to the General Secretary of any proposed alteration or addition. The General Secretary shall communicate in writing any proposed amendments and/or additions to the Constitutional Rules to all approved clubs at least seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Fees and Registrations

 10.Clubs shall pay an affiliation fee of £15 for each Snooker team and £9 for each Billiards team entered in the respective leagues. Amateur Snooker and Billiards players who are bone-fide members of affiliated clubs shall be entitled to compete in the Snooker and/or Billiards leagues on a payment of a registration fee of £9 per player per league. Any club withdrawing a team after the league A.G.M. will only be allowed to enter extra teams subject to disciplinary rules or conditions that may apply.

Players of 18 years of age and over are registered as full members of the League, younger persons, are registered as ‘Junior Players’ until they reach their 18th birthday when they automatically become full League Members. Junior persons date of birth to be notified to the Management Committee at the time of registration application.

New registrations will be treated as such until they have played 20 games.

All players must be registered before playing and may only play in the League for the club with whom they are registered. No player may compete in any League match until their registration has been accepted and approved by the Management Committee and a handicap allocated. Fees for late registration must be paid before a member plays. New registrations for snooker can only start on R7 or lower, exceptitions might be made for ladies and juniors. New registrations will play off a handicap of scratch or less for snooker and receive 40 or less for billiards if there is no recommendation from club contact. Billiards players attaining a standard of OWE 350 or more handicap cannot be accepted for billiards registration due to the time factor.

All registered players (except ex-professionals) are entitled to enter any or all competitions organised by the League for an entry fee of £3 per player per competition (£3 per pair for the Snooker Pairs). Ex-professionals are allowed to play in the league including the K.O Cup. They cannot enter any scratch competitions. The only competition that they are allowed to enter is the Handicap Pairs (not including the Mixed Pairs or the Singles + Doubles Pairs). Also they are not eligible for any of the highest break awards. Team competitions organised by the League for Snooker and/or Billiards are open to teams of registered players at an entry fee of £6 per team for Snooker League K.O. Cup, £4 per team for the Norey Trophy and £4 per team for the Billiards Shield.

If the winner of any semi final competition is not available to play in the finals the player that he/she beat in the semi final will be re-instated.

Approved clubs are responsible for the payment of all their teams and players fees to the League. Fees are due upon acceptance of registration, league team and competition entries, and should be paid within 30 days from issue of invoice(s) by the League Treasurer. No cancellation of fees will be made for any member or team wishing to withdraw after acceptance by the Management Committee at the July meeting. 13 All registration, team and competition sheets are deemed to have been approved by the appropriate Committee of each approved club and should be signed by a responsible club official before handed or posted to the League. TEAM ENTRIES FOR SNOOKER AND BILLIARDS ARE ONLY ACCEPTED UP TO 14 DAYS PRIOR TO THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Any club which fails to pay the invoiced fees by the due date may jeopardize their acceptance into the League in future seasons and its players may be suspended from taking part in League matches until such time as fees are paid and a 4-0 points win will be awarded to their opponents for any match not played due to non-payment of fees. Additionally any players still competing in competitions may be eliminated from all competitions if their fees remain unpaid by their club. Any registrations required after submission to the League on the registration/competition entry sheets will only be considered at the next Management Committee meeting provided the registration fee(s) have been paid in advance to a Committee Member or Officer and handed to the Treasurer at that meeting. A player may, at the discretion of the Management Committee, subject to re-handicapping, and with approval from the original club holding the player's registration, transfer from one club to another during the season on payment of a re-registration fee of £9. Original fees remain the responsibility of the club which submitted the current season's registration and competition entries for the player.

League Competition Matches

11. Home and away matches shall be played in the League competitions. All matches shall be played in the order and upon the dates specified on the fixture list. Snooker League matches shall be played on Thursday evenings and Billiards League matches on Monday evenings or on other days when approved by the Management Committee. Matches shall commence at 7.30pm. At least three players from each snooker team and at least two players from each billiards team shall be in the room at 7.30pm. Play shall be maintained continuously in all matches and the order of play shall be strictly as per score sheet. Anyone not present when it is their turn to play shall forfeit the appropriate points. Teams shall be liable to forfeit one point in respect of each player not completing his game in matches commenced. If any individual or team competition match does not start within thirty minutes of the pre-arranged time the non-defaulting player(s) will have the right to claim the match. When points are awarded to a team, an equal number of points are to be deducted from the defaulting team. If fielding a player short you must inform the opposing team before the start of the match.

If a snooker team cannot field five players they are allowed to play with four, including the Snooker K.O.Cup, as many times as you need. It is stressed that if you have five players available you must play a full team. At the start of the evening you must inform the opposing team of the situation and the name of all your 4 players THEY then choose who they want to play twice.The elected player can then play in any order he/she wishes BUT NOT CONSECUTIVELY. Any team  found to be abusing this rule will be fined points.

If you have 5 players avaiable on the night they must all be played. The 4 player rule only applies if you cannot field a full team and most certainly not to be used if one of your players is just not on form. This could result in a points fine.

 Providing that there ia a genuine serious reason and a player is unable to play at the last moment the opposing team can choose one of the oppositions four players to play twice.

Any team  postponing more than five match during one season may be expelled from the League. If you are postponing a match (snooker or billiards) you must inform the opposing team preferably the team captain, failing that the club contact by 1pm on the day of the match. At the same time you must inform the match secretary by email or phone stating the reason for postponement. Failure to do this will result in a one point fine. If postponing after this time you will be fined two points. Any team not playing a league match that they have postponed may be banned from the league the following season.

The home team is responsible for the correct completion of the score sheet except for the away team players. Errors or omissions on score sheets will result in the offending team being fined 1 point. Fictitious results must never be entered on score sheets. In the event of discovery of a fictitious entry, one or both teams will be fined 5 points.

The responsibility for rearranging the match is down to the postponing team. They must contact the other team by the contact date shown on the monthly circular. If you are the away team, you must phone the home team captain who will give you 3 dates. He/she must allow you a minimum of 3 days notice.Once given the date, you must accept it. If the postponing team is at home they must phone the away team captain and offer 3 dates. Once given the dates they must accept 1 within 3 days (not all in the same week, not 3 of the same days and no weekends). All matches must be played by the completion date as shown on the monthly circular. If   postponing a match which is not played by halfway you must play your re-arranged match on your orginal handicap. All players should note they can play for different teams in any one week but not for 2 snooker teams on the same night or 2 billiards teams on the same night.

If the postponing team fails to make contact by the given contact date the opposing team whether home or away must ring the match secrectary and report the issue immediatley after the contact date has passed. At the same time give her a date that is suitable for their team to play the match (allowing 3 days notice). This date must be before the completition date for that month. The match secretary will then inform the postponing team of the given date on which the match must be played.If the match is still not played by the completition date a 6 points will be imposed on the postponing team.The result of the match will then to decided by the committee at the following meeting.

Championship, promotion and relegation places are determined thus:- Team level on points shall play-off only when all situations are the same, i.e. matches won, frames won and points won (snooker) and matches won and points won (billiards). Otherwise, if points are the same, teams winning most matches will take precedence.

Promotion and relegation 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed teams are guaranteed promotion and the bottom teams will be demoted as necessary.

If moving your team to a new club at the end of the season you are allowed to stay in the same division unless you are being promoted or demoted but you must have at least three of your original players in the team.

Any team not playing a match as per the fixtures or by the date given by the Management Committee, the club will be fined £15 (snooker) and £9 (billiards) for the first offence in addition to any points deducted at the discretion of the Committee. This fine will be increased for further offences.

Any club reducing its number of teams will have its remaining teams allotted a league position by the committee.

When junior members (under 18 years) are drawn to play away in individual competitions in a club which does not permit them entry to the snooker room, the fixture will be reversed by the Management Committee at the time of the draw. Any new registrations playing off an incorrect handicap, will result in a drastic handicap reduction and a reversal of points. Anyone playing off an incorrect handicap (higher than the handicap allocated by the Management Committee) will result in the team being fined 1 point per defaulting player. Any team playing an unregistered player will be fined 2 points per player. If the defaulting player wins their game, the point gained will be awarded to the opposing side. SCORE SHEETS AND RESULTS - All breaks over 20 points or more achieved by a player during a snooker or billiards match must be recorded on the score sheet to ensure that the Match Secretaries are able to maintain factual records for individual players. Also, Christian names should be stated for each player together with his/her handicap.

League Matches - Conditions of Play

 12.Snooker. In League competitions snooker teams shall consist of 5 or 4 players (3 of which must be full members of the League not junior members) who shall each play one frame and one point shall be awarded for each frame won with a bonus point for the winning team .All players to play off handicap allocated by the Management Committee. The home team to provide a referee for each game.


In League competitions billiards teams shall consist of 3 players (2 of which must be full members of the League) who shall each play games of 200 points up. Two points shall be awarded for each individual game won and a further one point awarded to the team winning on aggregate score (a total of seven points per match). If the aggregate scores are equal, one half point is awarded to each team. All players to play off individual handicap allocated by the Management Committee. A player finishing on a ‘minus’ score shall have his score recorded as ‘nil-200’. The home team is to provide a referee for each game.

Results of Matches

 13.The result of each match and the names of the players of both teams (with handicaps) who took part in same, must be emailed by the home team to the respective Snooker Match Secretary / Press Officer or Billiards Match Secretary / Press Officer of the Organisation immediately after the match. The League’s Match Secretaries / Press Officers shall extract such information as they require from the score sheets for the press announcements, maintain all individual player’s records and an up-to-date set of league tables which shall be issued on a monthly basis.

Snooker & Billiards score sheets can only be emailed in to both susanlefley@btinternet.com & andy@spaldingvoice.co.uk please, send them in soon as possible so that they can be included in The Voice report which will be out on Wednesday / Thursday.


 14. The Organisation shall conduct Individual and Team Championships under the following conditions:-

The only competitions that ex-professionals can play in are the K.O Cup and the Handicap Pairs (not the Mixed or Singles & Doubles Pairs)

Players must play at least 14 games for the same team in the current season to qualify for any of the highest breaks awards.

New receive handicap players are not eligible to receive the highest break award for a receive player.

New scratch players are not eligible for the highest break made by a scratch player.

To qualify for the highest ladies break the break must be over 16.

Ex professionals are not eligible for the highest break awards.

All games played in one season count for the highest break award.

Most snooker and billiards wins in the league must be played for the same team in the currant season

New registratioms are not allowed to complete for the most wins in snooker or billiards

 Snooker Individual Scratch Championship - Presidents Trophy

Open to any registered player.

Rounds will be best of 5 frames, with the final best of 7 frames.

Snooker Individual Handicap Championship – Cyril Aistrup Cup

Open to any registered player off handicap allocated by Handicapping Committee.

Rounds will be best of 3 frames including the final.

 Billiards Individual Scratch Championship – James Hole Cup

Open to all registered players. Rounds will be 250 up until final which will be 90 mins on clock.

 Billiards Individual Handicap Championship – Lowland Cup

Open to any registered player playing off handicap allocated by Handicapping Committee. Rounds of 200 points up, throughout the Competition.

 Snooker Handicap Pairs Championship – Free Press Trophy

Open to any pair of registered players for same club playing off combined handicaps allocated by the Handicapping Committee. Each pair shall place their handicaps on the scoreboard before commencement of play. Two continuous frames shall be played. Black ball shall be played at the end of the first frame irrespective of the score. Player potting black ball shall commence second frame. In event of player making a foul shot on black ball, the opponents shall commence second frame. Order of play shall not be changed during the match. At the end of the second frame the pair with the highest aggregate score including handicaps shall be the winning pair. In the event of a tie at the end of the second frame the black ball shall be re-spotted and the first score or penalty shall decide the match.

 Snooker Pairs Scratch Championship - Lee Watson Trophy

Open to all registered league players

The best of 3 frames

The home team breaks off on the 1st frame and the away team on the 2nd, if a 3rd frame is needed  a coin is tossed to decide who breaks. You can change the order of play in each frame.

 Snooker League K.O. Cup - Ernest Molson Trophy

Open to teams of 5/4 registered players for the same club playing off handicaps allocated by the Handicapping Committee. The best of 5 frames.

Note: All League teams are automatically entered for the K.O. Competition.

 Billiards Knock-Out - The Carter Shield

Open to teams of 3 registered players for same club playing off handicaps allocated by the Handicapping Committee. Each game to be 200 points up throughout the competition. The team scoring the highest number of points on aggregate, including handicaps to be the winners. In the event of the aggregate points being level the team winning 2 games out of 3 will be the winners of the match.

Note: All League teams are automatically entered for the K.O. Competition.

 Snooker Team Scratch - Norey Cup

Open to teams of 3 registered players for same club. Each player playing 1 frame, and then repeating the order. In the event of the match being drawn after the sixth frame, one player from each team, nominated before the start of the match, shall play a seventh frame.


 Snooker Mixed Pairs Championship - Sporting Record Trophy

Rules as for Snooker Pairs but each pair consisting of one lady and one man player registered for the same club.

Senior Masters Cup - Eric Wyer Trophy

Open to any registered player of 55 years of age and over at the start of the current season.

Rounds and final will be best of 3 frames.

 Most Billiards Wins - Porter Trophy

For the most billiards wins in the League played for one team,

 Most Snooker Wins - Lefley Trophy

For the most snooker wins in the League played for one team.

 Division Most Wins Awards

For the most snooker wins in a season played for the same team. New registrations are not eligible. Division most wins Awards. Div 1 – Long Sutton Conservative Club Trophy. Div 2 – Rod Quinton Trophy. Div 3 – Ray Perkins Trophy.

Sheila Wyer Trophy

For the most snooker wins by a lady player in the league played for one team.

 Division Highest Break Awards

Players must play at least 14 League games for the same team in the current season. New registered handicap players are not eligible.

Division Highest Break Awards. Div 1 – Spalding Music Services Trophy.

Div 2 – South Lincs Cladding Trophy. Div 3 – Fen Regis Trophy.

Arthur Bates Shield

Highest snooker break for person under 21 at the start of the new season.

 Kevin Fitter Shield

Highest snooker League break by lady player. To qualify the break must be 16 or over.

 Brian Kendall Trophy

Outstanding Achievement Award, Nominations for team, individual or club

Bill Stamp Trophy

The highest league snooker break from a senior player (55and over at the start of the currant season).

 Alan Hansard Trophy

The highest break from a scratch snooker player. New registration scratch players are not eligible

 Rachel & Daniel Mayfield Award

The highest snooker break achieved in The Knock-Out Cup.

The Paul Quincey Trophy

Highest Break in the Norey Cup

The Peter Tingle Menorial Trophy

The highest break from a receive player in The Billiards Shield

Tom Lee Trophy

Singles & Pairs Handicap. A two member team, playing two single games, then a pairs match (half handicaps) and finally changing opponents for two more frames. 1 point for each frame, first to three. A referee is not required for this competition.

Harold Hardy Memorial Trophy

Snooker League Highest Break

Ernest Molson Memorial Trophy

Snooker League Highest Break Receive Handicap

Ron Gaunt Trophy

Billiards League Highest Break

Nene Sports Trophy

Billiards League Highest Break Receive Handicap


 Individual and Team Competition Rules

15.In all competitions the home player is required to provide a referee but if agreed by your opponent it can be played without This must be agreed when the match is arranged so that your opponent can claim the match if they so wish. When competitions reach the quarter finals stage a referee MUST be provided, if not you may be eliminated from the competition.

If you are the home player or home team in a competition you must contact your opponent by the contact date shown on the monthly circular, and offer them 3 dates (not all in the same week, not 3 of the same days no weekends or Mondays and Thursdays unless a player is not playing league matches on the dates). If the arrangements are not agreed on the first phone call, your opponents must ring back within 3 days and accept one of the given dates. Dates must not be offered after the contact date has elapsed nor shall the away drawn player/team accept dates after the contact date has elapsed. Anyone found breaking this rule shall be eliminated from that competition. It is recommended that the away player/team inform the Match Secretary as soon as the contact date has elapsed to register that the match has been claimed. All matches must be played by the completion date as shown on the monthly circular. Anyone found breaking this rule shall be eliminated from that competition.

All individual and team competitions shall commence at 7.30pm, earlier or later by mutual agreement. If any match does not start within 30 minutes of the agreed time the non-defaulting player(s) will have the right to claim the match. The result of all matches to be phoned through to the Match Secretary as soon as possible. In the event of the result of any match not being known by midday of next Committee Meeting both players will be eliminated from the competition(s). Disputes must be sent in writing to the General Secretary before the closing date of the round concerned.

A Player can only play for one team. Any team fielding a cup-tied player will be disqualified from the competition.

No substitutes will be allowed in any competition. A score sheet must be emailed to the Press Officer by the home team captain immediately after the match (see Rule 13). Under no circumstances will matches be allowed to be played after the closing date of the rounds of each competition.

Home players must make every effort to personally contact their opponents. The Management Committee may not accept the fact that a telephone message was left with Club Stewards, etc., without some evidence. A letter to the away player at his club or home address is recommended.

Please remember that all competitions can only be played at home or if agreed by both players / teams  away. NOT AT A NEUTRAL CLUB. If you are found to be breaking this rule both players / teams will be eliminated from the competition


 16.The management Committee’s interpretation and application of any ‘By-Law’ shall be final.

(a) Any registered player whose misconduct or actions at any League competition, match or event organised by the Spalding and District Snooker and Billiards League causes serious offence to other person(s) shall at the discretion of the Management Committee be expelled from membership of the League for a period of time as described by the Management Committee.

(b) Players are to comply with the rules of approved clubs at all times when visiting such clubs. The Organisation has no jurisdiction over approved club’s rules and players may be refused admission if they do not comply. Players are responsible for checking a club’s admission rules.

(c) Trophies will be presented at the Annual Dinner Dance and admission to the Presentation section of the event will be refused to any person who is not the holder of an Official Admission Ticket. The Management Committee will impose an appropriate monetary fine on any offending member who does not comply with this ruling. Should a trophy winner not be attending the Dinner Dance his/her trophy may be collected from the match secretary’s home by prior arrangement.

Any club reducing its number of teams in the Snooker League shall have the team(s) in the lowest League position(s) removed from the League and its remaining teams shall be re-lettered consecutively beginning with ‘A’. Such teams will retain the places in the League tables achieved by the club. Any club that does not meet with the standards of the League conditions, e,g. quality of table, cloth, etc.) (including playing conditions) or has several complaints made against it, could be subject to disciplinary action during the season.


General: All players will have their handicap reviewed half way in the season and agin at the end. New registrations can be reviewed at each monthly meeting. New registrations will be treated as such until they have played 20 games.

The Management Committee have the right to adjust any player’s handicap as necessary at any ti

Snooker: Established players who have won or lost 2/3rds of their matches will be altered up or down accordingly except R21 handicaps which will only be increased at the discretion of the Management Committee.

Upper limit: R28 Lower Limit: Unlimited

Billiards: Established players who have won or lost 2/3rds of their matches will be altered up or down accordingly.

Upper limit: R120 Lower Limit: 0350

Exceptional Conditions:

K.O. Competition results may be taken into consideration, at the Committees discretion, when handicaps are assessed.

Handicap Complaints:

Any complaints should not be discussed with Committee members by direct confrontation. A letter must be sent to the General Secretary. Details received will be discussed at the next full committee meeting and you will be notified of the decision.



I have set up a

Spalding &
District Snooker & Billiards Group on Facebook for league members where you can post any thing relevant results, breaks, photos, etc.
If you are on Facebook please join us.





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we would like to know.

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we can make it better?

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