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League Teams
Snooker - Div. One
Snooker - Div. Two
Snooker - Div. Three
Billiards Division
Division One Results
Division Two Results
Division Three Results
Billiards Results
Norey Captains
Highest Breaks
Most Wins
Past Results
Finals Programme

There has been a few changes made to the finals programme which is now on the website.

All team members who have been promoted or demoted will become new registrations for the first half of the season.

Snooker 2024 - 2025

Starts - 05 Sept  2024 - Ends - 27 March 2025

Billiards 2024 - 2025

Starts - 07 October 2024 - Ends - 10 March 2025


Division 1 - 13 teams

Division 2 - 13 teams

Division 3 - 13 teams

Withdrawn teams - Bourne S.C.B & Sutton Bridge


9 teams

Withdrawn team - Gosberton

All snooker & billiards score sheets must be sent to both

           susanlefley@btinternet.com & rachel@spaldingvoice.co.uk rachel@spaldi


If you require any score sheets for your club you will find them on the Important Information page where they can be printed off.


Committee notice - Members must not be looking at their phone while refereeing a match.

The committee have decided to trial the 3 miss rule in the Snooker Scratch Competition this season. Here is a brief explanation although most of you that are playing in the scratch are probably used to it as it is common around the competitions.

The 3 miss rule - When  a player is snookered and they do not hit the required ball, the white ball and any other balls will be replaced, with both players guidance and agreement to it's orginal position. This can only happen three times, the fourth time if the object ball is missed play carries on where the balls sit, or your opponent can make you play again if they so choose. The rule does not apply if opponent requires snookers.

 susanlefley@btinternet.                               csSnProvig that gkrrEThettTgcoTmittee haveVoke& billitardshetshaveouk

4 player rule - If you have 5 players available on the night they must all be played. The 4 player rule only applies if you can not field a full team and most certainly not to be used if one of your players is just not on form. This could result in a points fine. If you only have 4 players in your team (home or away) you must inform the opposing team at the start of the match. Then tell them the names of your 4 players and their handicaps, they can then choose who they want to play twice. Your chosen player can then play in any position but not consecutively. Providing that it is a genuine, serious reason and a player is unable to play at the last moment the opposing team can choose one of the oppositions four players to play twice.


Following the committee meeting on Tues 4th October 2023 and after consideration of concerns raised by members, it has been agreed that exemptions can be applied for in relation to the four player rule. This will allow members to apply to the committee to be exempt from being chosen to play twice in a match where there are only four players available. Exemptions will be considered on a case by case basis and will be based on individual circumstances such as, long term health conditions, level of infirmity, etc. It is anticipated that the members availing of this exemption will be quite low and your consideration when applying the allowance is appreciated. Applications should be made to the general secretary, through team captains and club representatives. 

 The responsibility for rearranging a cancelled match is down to the postponing team. They must contact the other team captain by the contact date shown on the monthly circular and ask the team captain to give 3 dates (not one) in which to play the match.ding--snook-------------------====alding@gmail  

The final of the Singles / Pairs will this season be held at Springfields Events Centre and The Billiards Shield Final will be moved to one of our clubs.

If moving your team to a new club at the end of the season you are now allowed to stay in the same division unless you are being promoted or demoted but you must have at least three of your original  players in the team.

New registrations cannot start on more than R7. If they are better than this you must put down an honest and fair handicap. Exceptions will be made for ladies and young players.

League matches can be postponed up to 1pm on the day of the match. You must infom the match secretary at the same time.

If the winner of any semi final competition is not available to play in the final the player he/she knocked out in the semi final will be re-instated.

In all competitions the home player is required to provide a referee, but if agreed by your opponent it can be played without. This must be agreed when the match is arranged so that your opponent can claim the match if they so wish.When it reaches the quarter finals stage a referee MUST be provided, if not you may be eliminated from the competition.

You may have noticed that we have tightened up the security on the website regarding phone numbers. If you are having a problem getting onto the Registration & Captains page go to the page as usual and it will give you the choice of two files,open the one which is suitable for your phone or computer and enter the password, which is the same as the login password for the website,if you cannot remember it please send me an email.

Snooker & Billiards captains, a reminder that score sheets should be emailed in as soon as the match is over, unless you have to send it from your computer, then no later than the next morning.

Clarification on the 4 player rule - you must inform the opposition at the START of the match that you only have 4 players, so if a player does not turn up to play that game has to be claimed, you cannot choose another one of your players to play.

Please remember that all competitions can only be played at home or if agreed by both players / teams  away. NOT AT A NEUTRAL CLUB. If you are found to be breaking this rule both players / teams will be eliminated from the competition.

Please check your score sheets before emailing them in, I am having troulble reading some of them. Make sure that the writing is not to small or that the photo is not blurred. If they are not clear I can not see the wins and losses or the breaks.

Score sheets can only be emailed in.The report will be in The Spalding & South Holland Voice a free newspaper which is out on Wednesday and is also available online. There will be a full snooker & billiards report every week to facilitate this you must email them as soon as possible, especially the billiards as the deadline for your result to be included is 10am on Tuesday morning. Rachel Mayfield is the editor & sports editor and will be trying to include some photographes of teams if you can take some please email them to her. The two email addresses that you need to send your sheets to are - rachel@spaldingvoice.co.uk & susanlefley@btinternet.com the score sheets MUST be sent to both.                                                                              


I have set up a

Spalding &
District Snooker & Billiards Group on Facebook for league members where you can post any thing relevant results, breaks, photos, etc.
If you are on Facebook please join us.


One of our long standing members Marcus Hamilton from the Pyramid Club is now running his own small business producing hand made cues, which come highly recommanded by several members of our league. He offers a highly professional and personal service which includes, re-tipping, new ferruals, adapting your cue to a two piece or adding any butt you may require and even repairs broken cues (which does not mean that you can break your cue over your knee after losing on a Thurs night !!) If interested please ring Marcus on 07975 820599

The league`s cue technician....Marcus Hamilton is now doing rest conversions so if you would like your clubs rests turned into extended rests or any other work carried out on your cue ....please ring Marcus.



This website is maintained by Snooker & Billiards Match Secretary - Susan Lefley

Telephone -
01406 373065
Email - susanlefley@btinternet

Susan is always pleased to deal with any of your league problems but any serious issues must be sent in writing to the committee.

Any abuse directed towards her will be taken very seriously and may result in expulsion from the league.


Copyright @ www.spaldingsnooker.co.uk © 2011
All rights reserved

Website design by John Lowe
Axess Web Design

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