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League Teams
Snooker - Div. One
Snooker - Div. Two
Snooker - Div. Three
Billiards Division
Division One Results
Division Two Results
Division Three Results
Billiards Results
Norey Captains
Highest Breaks
Most Wins
Past Results
Finals Programme


The history of Spalding and District Snooker & Billiards League

Soon after the Second World War the Spalding and District Snooker and Billiards League was created and has evolved during the past 50 odd years as one of the area's most popular sporting recreational associations.

It is now time to embrace modern technology and state our presence onto the World Wide Web.

To our new league members of today it must be difficult to envisage playing conditions in those early years... bleak, dark and damp come readily to mind.

Snooker table cloths thick and coarse, leather tipped cues, snooker and billiard balls manufactured well before the war, heating with cast iron stoves and 60 watt bulbs in unkempt shades... primitive conditions maybe... But despite all, the enthusiasm of those early league players was immense!

Area wise we are one of the largest district leagues in the United Kingdom. Determined and brave souls regularly travel 30 miles or more through the Lincolnshire Fens to play Monday and Thursday league matches.

We must also remember those individual and team qualifiers, finalists competing at the splendidly organised championship finals

We are extremely proud of our league achievements thus far. We have apprenticed snooker and billiards world champions, nurtured countless national and county champions and most importantly, given enormous pleasure to thousands of our sporting and enthusiastic league members.


W. (Bill) Parker,
President (retired 2022)